What is your weakest security link?

Security is an all or nothing proposition. You either have it or you do not have it.

Typical network hardware for a home or a commercial site includes one or more of the following components:

  • Modem to access the internet
  • Router to control the network access
  • Switch to share the local network
  • Firewall to protect the local network
  • Endpoints: laptops, workstations, servers, tablets, smart phones, printers, smart TVs, Xboxes, etc.
  • User working on an end point accessing an end point somewhere on the internet

The combination of these network components enables you to communicate with devices on your private internal network (LAN) and with devices on the public internet (WAN). So, What if:

  • A company site has all its computers and network secure. An employee shows up at work with their unsecured home laptop (no antivirus program, outdated software, etc.). They open the laptop, join the company WiFi network, and begin using it over the internet.
  • A user with a laptop begins accessing the company files over a secure VPN network from a public WiFi coffee shop. The laptop is not secure (e.g., no firewall, out-of-date antivirus software, etc.).
  • All the company computers have the appropriate security (antivirus software, firewalls, etc.) – except for an unprotected desktop in a basement mailroom.

In all three scenarios, if a hacker from the internet gains access to the unprotected computer, they could have access to all the company assets, which are now at risk. The hacker can access your server(s), your workstations, and your business data. Your security is only as effective as your weakest link, which defines your security.

Yellcom IT Services can perform a security assessment to identify if you have any negative security issues, their severity, and recommend changes.

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